2010年4月12日 星期一







以下email speaks for itself:

"Dear Carmen,

I write this email with no offence but to share with you my work tips because I have found various times that I need your support and you are not available. This should not be the case.

I will not normally engage myself for leisure except absolutely necessary especially when I know there are 3 jobs coming together. And I think you do know that I let u go as much as I can. 江门 trip is just a recent example. Actually by the time we need to decide who to go, I was really thinking of being able to clear the announcement before the holiday and I had to deal with it myself. Even with that in mind, I still decided to let you go, because I think you need some exposure other than those from me.

Thinking in the same way, if I m not available to Wartin for those times he needs me, imagine how work can be done, right? To avoid this situation in the future, I suggest that you don’t engage yourself in the workdays when there are several jobs on hand at the same time unless very necessary.

This is not any criticism or blame I wish to highlight, but this shows that you are already important to my team on big jobs after such a long time working and training together. Enjoy your drama tonight.

Best regards,"

總之,有announcement出你都可以去睇陳奕迅,因為你的leisure is absolutely necessary,我的drama就唔係。





1. 個8婆10分鐘內send3個email比instruction我做野。另加電話不計其數。
2. 個8婆催催貢。
3. 個8婆lunch time 時叫醒我幫佢做野。

My lunch time is mine, goddammit!

同grade junior同事呢個時候選擇請假回鄉,果真醒目仔。




波掂對方棍出界,騎呢球證判short corner我都算,我只不過細細聲講左句:"明明佢打出界wor..."

騎呢球證同我講乜?"如果你係男仔,我比牌你tim 呀!"

"你咪比牌我lor,我無撞人無leg ball無犯規你鍾意比牌咪比牌lor,乜有J同無J有分別架咩?"


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