2010年11月28日 星期日

Eat, Pray, Love



但我覺得這個女人只是不斷不滿現狀,不但自己想要甚麼不知道,連自己不想要甚麼都不知道,i.e. 甚麼都不知道,只是沈醉在自己的depression裡面,無啦啦在傷春悲秋,然後對身邊的人發脾氣。她需要的是心理醫生。




2010年11月25日 星期四


今天6點多出Leamington想看Harry Potter,可是竟然6點半及7點半都sold out,要840才有位,唯有撐檯腳dum波鐘。結果跟友人很random的談起發卡與被發卡。




2010年11月21日 星期日

Abnormal vs different










2010年11月20日 星期六

Hail the document crunching monkeys!

與友人不約而同都有英國籍組員。有趣的事發生了,兩位英國同學平時說話頭頭是道,如今要交document了,大家才發覺他們都不懂用Microsoft Word.

當我告訴他,把下一個section放到下一頁,可以不用狂按ENTER而是可以按Control+ENTER,他好像發現新大陸。當我告訴他,可以用format paintbrush 來format其他段落的時候,他說,"Oh can you do the paintbrush thing again? I LOVE IT!"


2010年11月19日 星期五




Alarm 的鈴聲又換了 =)

2010年11月18日 星期四

Ah...forget the Chinese!

Yes I do realize that I haven't been seriously blogging in November, and for the sake of time management I stopped writing in Chinese. Please bear with me, I hope I will resume writing in that language after this term.


Finally got my first job application rejection. From Rothschild. Well yea I shouldn't be surprised, Linda did warn me that I'm over-qualified for the graduate program...well whatever, it's better than having loose ends dangling around anyhow.

Something about application systems though: been applying online for a global investment bank and failed to proceed to the "submit" button because the system didn't allow me to fill in the name of my previous employers. Applicants can only choose the previous employer name from a list of 300 firms, and (obviously) my old bosses weren't on the list. Well well how cocky is that?! Leon Richards commented: "Well think about it, you probably don't want to work for an employer like that, do you?"

Funny thing is, I do. No hypocrisy, no nonsense. Why ask me all those daft questions about "Why Citi Why Blackrock Why RBS Why Barcap" when what you are actually ONLY concerned about is whether I've been working in a posh firm in the past or whether I have a 2:1 degree in undergrad. Why not do this effective screening and make it honest? It's kinda discrimination, I know. But it's unbelievable how much the HR guys are obsessed with this 2:1 requirement. Is that not discrimination then?

Isn't it awful having that 2:2 hanging around when you know it's not even related to your career at all? Well anyway I decided to STOP ALL JOB-HUNTING till I am about to graduate. Fuck the programs, they've been taking too much of my time! Stop worrying about career. I saved enough money to do exactly that. Why wasn't I sticking to it?


Had a really interesting conversation with a classmate today. We were talking about how we could improve to work better. Substantially there's nothing much to say, really, the group's been terrific, but this guy did ask a good question: You're just 24, how on earth did you get THAT cynical?

Reading through my previous blog entries, he's right! Probably 90% of my entries are cynical/depressed and the remaining 10% are happy, and the happy entries are written in codes that probably nobody but the only relevant person knows how to decode.

And now I know there's this point when I no longer knew how to make her happy anymore. Because I didn't even know how to make myself happy. And everything just bloody crashes.

Now. I'm getting hungry again in the middle of the night. And I like it because when this always happens, it means I am happy. =)

2010年11月17日 星期三

We are all a little tired for some reason

Today a classmate told me, "I am your Daddy for these few weeks. No football for a month for you until you get well."

That's very nice of him really, but when I come to think of it, I have never ever declined to play anything due to injury! (especially since my injuries are never really that serious)

I kind of enjoy the pain and the muscle fatigues I get after every game. If I don't get them, I feel like I haven't used up myself. And curiously, the more physically tired I am, the less mentally tired I become.

And then, dealing with loneliness always becomes easier.

2010年11月16日 星期二


Somehow feels like I am really living out the meaning of JfDI.

These few days I did think a while about why I should even bother, but then I thought, OK, it's not about whether I "should" but rather whether I "want to". It's nothing big, after all. Just a little odd. Or perhaps even not.

Would it have been better if...?


2010年11月5日 星期五

What I went through in the midterms




每個禮拜都會收到一個email,title是 "trainings and SOCIALLLLLLL!" 對,trainings是其次,social才最重要。她們每個禮拜三晚上都有social event,一眾女子都按每週主題打扮一番,喝得爛醉然後第二天走堂。有時我覺得,偶爾喝酒當然沒問題,但每個禮拜?!還要每個禮拜都有特別的costume?Isn't that a bit too much?還有一些所謂隊友,training都沒出現過但fb卻有social照片。

