2011年3月26日 星期六

Is it a guy thing or is it just me?

It's a friendly game. It's at noon in the scorching sun. It's just a 4-on-4 game. It's a mini pitch. There's nothing official whatsoever.

Why would you lecture your own cohort for slacking off in a silly football game?
Why would you tease someone, nonstop, that he has two left legs because his shots are far away from being on target?
Why would you moan about injury every time you missed a goal when you had a golden chance?
Why would you even say "I want us to win" when nobody is even keeping track of the score?

Is it the guys' obsessions about victory that I just don't have?

Frankly, though, I think you should be more mature.

2011年3月23日 星期三

I hate strategy

I repeat, I hate strategy.

Well looking at the paper from 2010, I just don't see how I would benefit by being able to recite the definition of "competitive advantage" and "core competence".

OK. Give me a business. Then I'm supposed to tell you, A is a competitive advantage. B is just a core competence, not a competitive advantage. C are the resources of the company, but it is not the core competence. D is an intangible resource. E is a tangible resource.

OK then. SO WHAT? Does that change anything?


And there was this slide that really made me burst:

Title: Levels of uncertainty (Source: Courtney, Kirkland and Viguerie (1997) Harvard Business Review)

- Clear enough future
-- single view

- Alternative futures
-- limited set of possible future outcomes one of which will occur

- Range of futures
-- range of possible outcomes

- True ambiguity
-- not even a range of possible future outcomes

OK, you've exhausted all possibilities. How does that help?


Jesus Christ. I prefer serendipity.

2011年3月20日 星期日





好cliche wor。

RubberBand的core competency是,聽完有開心左,平靜左的感覺。



微風吹起剎那 長灘記載仲夏
擠於那帳幕下 營火邊講笑嗎
迷戀那位 在盼對話 是絢爛暑假

黃昏依稀剎那 籃框記掛盛夏
曾呼喊勝利吧 給汗水擦亮年華
誰有來打氣 名字漸忘記 夏天出走遠飛

如今這跳錶 自動停頓了
無稽的笑話 嫌棄在那朝
落泊的房間 睡醒每朝
洗過臉跟倒影說 什麼才重要

航空的信封 漸漸溶爛了
同班的照片 搬遷中給錯丟
密閉高樓中 棲身冷氣風裡
倦了 這身軀 很想再回到初夏的夜裡

時光飄遠 忘了即興
結集舊時場景 安慰澀倦眼睛

年輕的臂章 默默除下了
藏珍的唱片 誰刮掉報銷
在滿街人堆 未懂對焦
空氣有把聲音說 人經已大了

這秒鐘 沒夏蟲在叫
才知這輩子 青春一早退燒
悶透的時鐘 摧毀每寸依據
若世界太趕 只想再回到初夏的夜裡




2011年3月19日 星期六


難道還要抱緊 這些過去 不可再進亦不退

18/3 下午


2011年3月14日 星期一





今天比賽大家都很頹,我因為做assignment做到頹,隊友們因為昨天party得太開心所以頹。比賽前就大伙兒在討論 who slept with who and who wanna shag who, 旁邊只剩下兩三個老鬼(包括我)得淡笑。

Well, the ultimate goal of life is probably to get laid, right?



2011年3月9日 星期三






我可以用廣東話/普通話在lecture room裡面對著朋友們發很大很大的爛渣,但都揮不去一種無力感。魚糧繼續做,底繼續包,感覺,就好像當年做隊長。天分不夠頂硬上,落得烏雲蓋頂。







2011年3月8日 星期二





2011年3月3日 星期四

If you hate people pretending to be humble, high five!

Quite some time ago there was this colleague of mine whom I talked about taking an MBA. I was saying to do it in UK would cost me nearly all the money I had, but if I really can't afford it myself my parents can give me some support. This guy says, wow, you're pretty rich huh. And I say, yea, "dou OK ga".

The answer took the guy by surprise for a second, but then he said, I LIKE YOUR ANSWER!


I forgot what we were talking about but some guy from my group asked me, you got a pretty high GMAT score, right? And I say, yea, was pretty high.

And the guy who asked the question said, I LIKE YOUR ANSWER!


Why do they like my answer? Well it's obviously because people don't usually JUST SAY "I am good."

They'll say, "Nah, I sucked at it." Then wait for other people to ask, "Then what did you get?" "710." "Oh my god and you say you sucked at it? I can't believe it!" "Well yea...I scored 800 in all my GMAT practice tests so I was really disappointed with my results, yea, you know, well, um..."

They'll say, "No I'm not rich! Stop saying that!" Then wait for other people to ask, "Then where do you live?" "Chelsea." "Oh my god and you say you're not rich? I can't believe it!" "Well uh...it just costed me around a million or two, yea, you know, well, um..."

You just HATE these kinda people don't you!


So next time anyone asks me why I succeeded in something, I will say to him/her, because I am good.

And that's at least part of the truth, isn't it? (wink)

2011年3月1日 星期二

The business cycle

Today, I learnt about the business cycle that is very inspiring:

Cash --> Raw materials --> Work-In-Progress --> Finished goods --> Debtors --> Cash

"Do you want cash? Well not really. Because they aren't really generating revenue for you and too much of it lowers your ROI. So you buy raw materials with your cash. Do you want raw materials? Well not really. Because they are expensive to keep. So you turn them into WIP. Do you want WIP? Well not really. Because they are worth nothing until they're finished. So you turn them into finished goods. Do you want finished goods? Well not really. Because you want to sell them! So you sell them and you get debtors. Do you want debtors? Well not really. Because you want them to pay you. So they pay you, and you get cash. Do you want cash? Well not really! That's the business cycle for a finance director isn't it!"

Well I don't understand much of British humour but I understand his. David Murphy is the guy!