2011年5月24日 星期二

First impression and changes

Came across the msn history of one of my conversations with a friend, on the first day of my course.

"So! How's your course? Any HKers?"
"Yea, 4 including me"
"How were they?"
"Quite nice. Two of them are like, 4 to 5 years older than me, and there's another younger one, I guess she's about the same age. But she's very quiet. Like sheep"
"Yea. I am afraid of sheep. They are very boring."
"That's a funny way to put it."
"You know sheep, they don't even realize you are laughing at them when you do so. That's not fun"

A few months passed. The sheep turned out not what she seemed to be on our first day of school. And I told the sheep about that conversation, just for a laugh.

Sheep: 你立心不良!
K: 不過我第一日識你都覺得你好靜,好綿羊!好似需要人保護o個種!同埋你應該學到8級琴!
Me: 如果o吾係8級琴就應該係彈古箏啦!
Sheep: ...我兩樣都o吾識...
Me: o甘...你地又會o吾會覺得我學琴學到演奏級呢...
K: Um...你比我第一印象同而家差o吾多,都係好sporty好鐘意打波o甘...
Sheep: Yee 佢好似逃避緊你個問題...
Me: 撞鬼...究竟點解我呀媽要比o甘多錢我學琴呢...
Sheep: 係呢,點解你會學琴o架?你真係o吾似wor
Me: 聽聞係因為佢地買左個琴,但家姐放棄左,所以逼我學
Sheep: o甘點解逼你學而o吾逼你家姐繼續呢?
Me: 因為我細個好乖。
K + Sheep: ......
Me: 其實我細個時候好文靜o架。
K + Sheep: ......

