那天,我吃過妳們親手煮的星洲炒米,聊兩句,天竟然就黑了,簡直晴天霹靂。天黑的那一刻,我決定了, 回家,始終是不二之選。
時光機永未及發明 哪裡覓證明
這嘀嗒 又嘀嗒
仰首太空 再看清一片藍圖星宿
只可半生奔馳 好比試管嬰兒
2011年12月30日 星期五
2011年12月23日 星期五
“現在很明顯只有你在變。”Dr. Dylan 對佘詩曼說。
但這個世界,是否真的這麼clear cut,就只有某個人變而其他人沒有?其實我相信大家都在變,問題只是,變好了還是變壞了?
或許在你妳你妳你的眼中,我已變成一個宅/煩氣/sae guae/悶蛋的人也說不定。
有想過。人生中很多關係都這樣,隨風就消失了。有人說,cest la vie,係o甘架啦,成熟點,看開點。
你當我不成熟也好,隨風而去,卻不是我case close的方式。
“現在很明顯只有你在變。”Dr. Dylan 對佘詩曼說。
但這個世界,是否真的這麼clear cut,就只有某個人變而其他人沒有?其實我相信大家都在變,問題只是,變好了還是變壞了?
或許在你妳你妳你的眼中,我已變成一個宅/煩氣/sae guae/悶蛋的人也說不定。
有想過。人生中很多關係都這樣,隨風就消失了。有人說,cest la vie,係o甘架啦,成熟點,看開點。
你當我不成熟也好,隨風而去,卻不是我case close的方式。
2011年12月15日 星期四
Wonderful tonight
I never thought I would miss this damned city but yes, I think I would miss it after all. The tower, the museums, the steak tartare, the crepes, the cafes. And the lovely fellows.
It's been like a dream. These 15 months. Meeting awesome people. Learning about myself. Knowing how much I loved home. And knowing how much love I actually need.
I still remember the moment when I decided to do this. I was excited. I was hesitant. I was excited. I was hesitant. But I was excited.
And now it's the time for the excitement to die down. The dream is over. I want to go home. But at the same time I know there are issues I don't want to face back there. But I want to go home. But I don't want to.
December moody fits. Hurts like hell. I've had two glasses of red, I know what happens after that, and crying in the party is the last thing I want to do. So I skip the Xmas party and go home.
Still early. The Xmas lights in Versailles are still on. Thanks be to God. It's beautiful. From Versailles Chantiers I just go straight on, ignoring all red lights on the way. Caring about nothing except the beautiful boulevard surrounding me. I sing loudly along with the music I'm playing in my headphones.
"I was a stranger in a city
Out of town where the people I know
I had that feeling of self pity
What to do what to do what to do
The outlook was decidedly blue
But as I walked through the foggy streets alone
It turned out to be the luckiest day I've known..."
Just think, if at the crossroads there's a driver who couldn't realize I am there...
Wouldn't that be nice to just die today?
It's wonderful tonight. And all of a sudden, maybe, just maybe, I don't want to go home anymore.
It's been like a dream. These 15 months. Meeting awesome people. Learning about myself. Knowing how much I loved home. And knowing how much love I actually need.
I still remember the moment when I decided to do this. I was excited. I was hesitant. I was excited. I was hesitant. But I was excited.
And now it's the time for the excitement to die down. The dream is over. I want to go home. But at the same time I know there are issues I don't want to face back there. But I want to go home. But I don't want to.
December moody fits. Hurts like hell. I've had two glasses of red, I know what happens after that, and crying in the party is the last thing I want to do. So I skip the Xmas party and go home.
Still early. The Xmas lights in Versailles are still on. Thanks be to God. It's beautiful. From Versailles Chantiers I just go straight on, ignoring all red lights on the way. Caring about nothing except the beautiful boulevard surrounding me. I sing loudly along with the music I'm playing in my headphones.
"I was a stranger in a city
Out of town where the people I know
I had that feeling of self pity
What to do what to do what to do
The outlook was decidedly blue
But as I walked through the foggy streets alone
It turned out to be the luckiest day I've known..."
Just think, if at the crossroads there's a driver who couldn't realize I am there...
Wouldn't that be nice to just die today?
It's wonderful tonight. And all of a sudden, maybe, just maybe, I don't want to go home anymore.
2011年12月14日 星期三
How to become a Parisian
話說李克勤有首經典舊歌叫 One Night in Paris:
2011年12月13日 星期二
Awkward friends
最遠的距離,不是physical distance
2011年11月24日 星期四
Swing Swang Swung - Goodbye the magicians
1999/2000年,那是VRF 的年代。那是E-kids 的年代。當時每看到男子組合就會想嘔。
(Demo: 當荃灣愛上柴灣。喜歡曲,但更喜歡詞。從前覺得,從新界回家的路像一世都坐不完。現在住Versailles就明白,陪她回去的那個,應該不會比她自己更難過。)
Jerald風格,慢歌懶洋洋,總會聽得很輕鬆。快歌跳脫,但總不會是我最討厭的dance music。超喜歡《Opening Day》(因為從未派台所以差不多無人認識,那是《On Fire》專輯内的歌),奔放的trombone叫人很懷念Symphonic Band 的日子。當然,更喜歡他的shoo-be-doo;阮小儀破壞了《小流星》(sorry to say),但Jerald那段scat singing卻救活了一首歌。
(如果你有聽過原唱Blue Jeans 版本的《下雨天》,你就會知道多了中間的shoo-be-doo 會有多大分別。)
那時Juno出道,人人喊打,滿手爛歌,甚麼《愛上殺手》、《大風吹》聽到我高呼wtf。後來我聽到《非公開表演》,對Juno又完全改觀。Jerald與Juno把聲都是很高音的,《放棄愛情》、《不戀愛更好》、《原地轉》、《超生培慾》等,風格match得天衣無縫;just like magic,因為Jerald發功,我開始喜歡Juno了。
Snowman改名Swing,第一首《Shut Up》也不是最好聽的歌,但jam了電話鈴聲,越聽越過癮;《1984》剛好聖誕節時推出,Last Christmas Version 帶我發掘了一大堆新 chords;有一段時間很討厭彈琴,《黑雨天白鋼琴》叫我趁黑雨天再打開我的啡鋼琴;《帝國大廈》用爛鼓編曲記念911;《大大公司》是job seekers的飲歌(你看一下歌詞就會明白了);《男人不可以窮》則是女奴飲歌,哈。
我記得Form 4,我們一起去看森小的《冬音宮》,featuring SWING。你們記得嗎?Form 5 graddin的表演,5B 用維他奶玻璃樽吹校歌,我還編了一點和音呢。靈感就是來自Eric,Jerald,森跟小(不過玻璃樽沒有tune 好,聽到Ms. Yu 皺眉頭 :P)。
Swing的歌,詞不美,簡單到你吾信,但幾過癮。Swing的字典裡沒有沈重。生活已經夠沈重了,聽歌,不需要更多悲傷的情緒。等運到,聽《一命二運三風水》;被女飛,聽《半張飛》;吾想番工,聽《宇宙洪荒》。很多歌聽完只會enhance一個人不開心的情緒:呢首歌講緊我, 我是全世界最慘的人,我最慘所以要嚎叫飲泣巴撚閉。Swing的歌卻不然,一切都淡淡的,life goes on,笑下啦。
Goodbye SWING。
那些年,你們不在幕前,but the magic was still there. And I hope it will still be there.
願Jerald加拿大生活愉快 。Eric+Grace 新婚快樂。
1999/2000年,那是VRF 的年代。那是E-kids 的年代。當時每看到男子組合就會想嘔。
(Demo: 當荃灣愛上柴灣。喜歡曲,但更喜歡詞。從前覺得,從新界回家的路像一世都坐不完。現在住Versailles就明白,陪她回去的那個,應該不會比她自己更難過。)
Jerald風格,慢歌懶洋洋,總會聽得很輕鬆。快歌跳脫,但總不會是我最討厭的dance music。超喜歡《Opening Day》(因為從未派台所以差不多無人認識,那是《On Fire》專輯内的歌),奔放的trombone叫人很懷念Symphonic Band 的日子。當然,更喜歡他的shoo-be-doo;阮小儀破壞了《小流星》(sorry to say),但Jerald那段scat singing卻救活了一首歌。
(如果你有聽過原唱Blue Jeans 版本的《下雨天》,你就會知道多了中間的shoo-be-doo 會有多大分別。)
那時Juno出道,人人喊打,滿手爛歌,甚麼《愛上殺手》、《大風吹》聽到我高呼wtf。後來我聽到《非公開表演》,對Juno又完全改觀。Jerald與Juno把聲都是很高音的,《放棄愛情》、《不戀愛更好》、《原地轉》、《超生培慾》等,風格match得天衣無縫;just like magic,因為Jerald發功,我開始喜歡Juno了。
Snowman改名Swing,第一首《Shut Up》也不是最好聽的歌,但jam了電話鈴聲,越聽越過癮;《1984》剛好聖誕節時推出,Last Christmas Version 帶我發掘了一大堆新 chords;有一段時間很討厭彈琴,《黑雨天白鋼琴》叫我趁黑雨天再打開我的啡鋼琴;《帝國大廈》用爛鼓編曲記念911;《大大公司》是job seekers的飲歌(你看一下歌詞就會明白了);《男人不可以窮》則是女奴飲歌,哈。
我記得Form 4,我們一起去看森小的《冬音宮》,featuring SWING。你們記得嗎?Form 5 graddin的表演,5B 用維他奶玻璃樽吹校歌,我還編了一點和音呢。靈感就是來自Eric,Jerald,森跟小(不過玻璃樽沒有tune 好,聽到Ms. Yu 皺眉頭 :P)。
Swing的歌,詞不美,簡單到你吾信,但幾過癮。Swing的字典裡沒有沈重。生活已經夠沈重了,聽歌,不需要更多悲傷的情緒。等運到,聽《一命二運三風水》;被女飛,聽《半張飛》;吾想番工,聽《宇宙洪荒》。很多歌聽完只會enhance一個人不開心的情緒:呢首歌講緊我, 我是全世界最慘的人,我最慘所以要嚎叫飲泣巴撚閉。Swing的歌卻不然,一切都淡淡的,life goes on,笑下啦。
Goodbye SWING。
那些年,你們不在幕前,but the magic was still there. And I hope it will still be there.
願Jerald加拿大生活愉快 。Eric+Grace 新婚快樂。
2011年11月16日 星期三
Midnight in Paris
Everybody says Paris is the most romantic place in the world.
Is it because of the river?
Is it because of the Tower?
Is it because of Notre Dame?
Is it because of Pont Alexandre?
It's because of its timelessness.
What time does it close? 4:45 French time. What time does it open? 3pm French time. When will the train come? 0:06 French time.
In reality it means 4:30, 3:30pm and 0:40 respectively. Or it could mean 4:15, 4pm and 0:50. You'd never know. Woody Allen says it all. I didn't like the film, but yes, timelessness is indeed the magic of Paris. Just in another way.
Is it romantic? Yes. Because you love it, and you hate it. Without that hate, nah, I guess it would be just too perfect to make any sense.
Use one word (in English) or two words (in Chinese) to describe yourself. Then ask several of your friends to think up one word (in English) or two words (in Chinese) to describe you.
Let me know if you are as confused as I am now.
Is it because of the river?
Is it because of the Tower?
Is it because of Notre Dame?
Is it because of Pont Alexandre?
It's because of its timelessness.
What time does it close? 4:45 French time. What time does it open? 3pm French time. When will the train come? 0:06 French time.
In reality it means 4:30, 3:30pm and 0:40 respectively. Or it could mean 4:15, 4pm and 0:50. You'd never know. Woody Allen says it all. I didn't like the film, but yes, timelessness is indeed the magic of Paris. Just in another way.
Is it romantic? Yes. Because you love it, and you hate it. Without that hate, nah, I guess it would be just too perfect to make any sense.
Use one word (in English) or two words (in Chinese) to describe yourself. Then ask several of your friends to think up one word (in English) or two words (in Chinese) to describe you.
Let me know if you are as confused as I am now.
2011年11月14日 星期一
2011年11月2日 星期三
2011年10月31日 星期一
2011年10月21日 星期五
2011年10月19日 星期三
2011年10月10日 星期一
2011年10月7日 星期五
RIP Steve Jobs
我自問是一個technology laggard,昨天晚上跟友人談起Steve英年早逝,她說沒想過你會關注。
我討厭英國人不善改進的同時,卻一直發現自己沒有好到哪裡去。我不是一個curious的人,也不是一個entrepreneurial的人。砌一個model,如果已經懂得既有的方法,我很少會去找更快的方法。教授一直強調“This is not user friendly",我發覺我從來沒有關注過這問題。
我過的人生,是一個讓家人都放心的人生,是每個下一步都非常清楚明確的人生,但同時,也可能是一個永遠衝不破框框的人生。有目標,有收成,但沒有WOW。因為我會settle。因為我不會keep looking。
Stay hungry, stay foolish. 我希望我能做到。
我討厭英國人不善改進的同時,卻一直發現自己沒有好到哪裡去。我不是一個curious的人,也不是一個entrepreneurial的人。砌一個model,如果已經懂得既有的方法,我很少會去找更快的方法。教授一直強調“This is not user friendly",我發覺我從來沒有關注過這問題。
我過的人生,是一個讓家人都放心的人生,是每個下一步都非常清楚明確的人生,但同時,也可能是一個永遠衝不破框框的人生。有目標,有收成,但沒有WOW。因為我會settle。因為我不會keep looking。
Stay hungry, stay foolish. 我希望我能做到。
2011年10月1日 星期六
2011年9月24日 星期六
1 內容很明顯不是真心話,因為太弱智了。既然不是真心話,沒有理由歧視她沒有自知之明。
2 如果內容真的是真心話,她很明顯就是弱智了。我們不應該歧視弱智人士,因為這違反殘疾歧視條例。
反正作者已經澄清了,說這只是第一身故事寫作手法,證明她不是弱智。我個人對這文章沒有甚麼意見,老實說,論狠辣文筆,本人認為高小姐絕對不夠王迪詩綴核;但就網友的follow up 討論,我的感受卻很深。似乎很多人並不發覺內容有反諷的意味,認為高小姐是真心膠,才會對之口誅筆伐。然後我在想,這是為甚麼??
1 內容很明顯不是真心話,因為太弱智了。既然不是真心話,沒有理由歧視她沒有自知之明。
2 如果內容真的是真心話,她很明顯就是弱智了。我們不應該歧視弱智人士,因為這違反殘疾歧視條例。
反正作者已經澄清了,說這只是第一身故事寫作手法,證明她不是弱智。我個人對這文章沒有甚麼意見,老實說,論狠辣文筆,本人認為高小姐絕對不夠王迪詩綴核;但就網友的follow up 討論,我的感受卻很深。似乎很多人並不發覺內容有反諷的意味,認為高小姐是真心膠,才會對之口誅筆伐。然後我在想,這是為甚麼??
2011年9月19日 星期一
整個禮拜都在想要不要買Navigo (巴黎版八達通/oyster)。太多條件太多選擇,眼花撩亂。Zone 3-4 一個價,Zone 1-4一個價,斷週計一個價,斷月計又一個價。Navigo 29歐一個禮拜,實在很那貴。不用Navigo 的話,另外一個方法是一次過買10張票,比逐次買票的價錢打了個7折。問題在於,metro的票在上學的火車不能用,上學的火車票從Versailles去巴黎不能用,Versailles去La Defense的票去St Lazare 不能用...結論是我要隨身帶著3堆不同的票。
大原則是,我不想因為付了upfront payment而逼自己非出去不可。人,不應該因為“宅”而感到愧疚。所以,我今天又窩在房間裡,等住今晚出去踢波。
朋友們,我還是等你們來找我才買Navigo吧 =)
大原則是,我不想因為付了upfront payment而逼自己非出去不可。人,不應該因為“宅”而感到愧疚。所以,我今天又窩在房間裡,等住今晚出去踢波。
朋友們,我還是等你們來找我才買Navigo吧 =)
2011年9月16日 星期五
First quartile - check!
Papa Tarek once asked me:You don’t drink, you don’t smoke, you do sports, what is your exit plan?
Honestly, I don’t have an exit plan. Though I am leading a (probably) extremely healthy and (possibly) boring life (no clubbing and else), but actually, I don’t want to live THAT long. So I hope, today I have reached at least one fourth of my life. If it’s one third, I guess that’s even better. (*wink)
感謝Facebook諸位洗板式祝賀,另inbox message及skype message不計其數。
去年生日很安靜,因為剛踏足英國還在jetlag中。今年在法國,更安靜,上了一課excel modelling,然後回家去。有想過今天不如吃豪華一點當是跟自己慶祝,在Marche 附近走來走去看有甚麼好餐廳。然後發現,我個人始終孤寒底, 天價鵝肝田螺,遠不及抵食夾大件14歐crepe套餐食得安樂。豪華大餐,還是留待跟良朋知己一起吃才算享受。
由Jouy走上campus每天身水身汗,再加Versailles Chantiers回家要走路超過30分鐘(單車應該10分鐘吧),呢3個月,想肥都難。
不像大部份人,我早幾年沒有exchange的經驗,不過遲到,總好過無到。 出走剛好一周年,看到不一樣的世界,不一樣的人,不一樣的角度。
多謝把我帶到這世界的兩老。個人並不是非凡出眾之流,但多得兩位在我成長路中從來都讓我自行碰釘(當然也同時給予無限量支持),小弟可謂經歷千奇百趣,無得威都叫做有得講呀 。
近排好多人問,所以正式announce 一次:香港時間12月19日,凱旋回歸!
Honestly, I don’t have an exit plan. Though I am leading a (probably) extremely healthy and (possibly) boring life (no clubbing and else), but actually, I don’t want to live THAT long. So I hope, today I have reached at least one fourth of my life. If it’s one third, I guess that’s even better. (*wink)
感謝Facebook諸位洗板式祝賀,另inbox message及skype message不計其數。
去年生日很安靜,因為剛踏足英國還在jetlag中。今年在法國,更安靜,上了一課excel modelling,然後回家去。有想過今天不如吃豪華一點當是跟自己慶祝,在Marche 附近走來走去看有甚麼好餐廳。然後發現,我個人始終孤寒底, 天價鵝肝田螺,遠不及抵食夾大件14歐crepe套餐食得安樂。豪華大餐,還是留待跟良朋知己一起吃才算享受。
由Jouy走上campus每天身水身汗,再加Versailles Chantiers回家要走路超過30分鐘(單車應該10分鐘吧),呢3個月,想肥都難。
不像大部份人,我早幾年沒有exchange的經驗,不過遲到,總好過無到。 出走剛好一周年,看到不一樣的世界,不一樣的人,不一樣的角度。
多謝把我帶到這世界的兩老。個人並不是非凡出眾之流,但多得兩位在我成長路中從來都讓我自行碰釘(當然也同時給予無限量支持),小弟可謂經歷千奇百趣,無得威都叫做有得講呀 。
近排好多人問,所以正式announce 一次:香港時間12月19日,凱旋回歸!
2011年9月12日 星期一
2011年9月7日 星期三
型嗎?不型。 我們不是top business school,但有些東西,真的比ranking重要,no grapes involved。華威人,謙虛,務實,有禮而不失幽默感。值得沾沾。
型嗎?不型。 我們不是top business school,但有些東西,真的比ranking重要,no grapes involved。華威人,謙虛,務實,有禮而不失幽默感。值得沾沾。
I was just joking
OK when did we last talk about this?
I was bluffing with Mr. Koo about changing his dissertation topic to "The factors leading Liverpool citizens to become fans of Everton instead of Liverpool FC". So Mr. Koo asked me for a quote to help him write his dissertation. I quoted 4000 quid.
Hard to believe somebody (not from our uni) actually approached me for this purpose. Strangely enough, the guy contacted me and said his friend needed to go home and get married, and didn't have time to do his dissertation. He needs help. He just needs a C. Can you please help.
Ms. K said I should quote 4000 quid and see what happens.
Nah. What if he says yes?
So you see, Mr. Koo, what a good friend I am to you. At least I was willing to give you a quote (*wink).
Thank you, my friend, for deliberately coming over for our last chat on campus :)
年輕的臂章 默默除下了...
I was bluffing with Mr. Koo about changing his dissertation topic to "The factors leading Liverpool citizens to become fans of Everton instead of Liverpool FC". So Mr. Koo asked me for a quote to help him write his dissertation. I quoted 4000 quid.
Hard to believe somebody (not from our uni) actually approached me for this purpose. Strangely enough, the guy contacted me and said his friend needed to go home and get married, and didn't have time to do his dissertation. He needs help. He just needs a C. Can you please help.
Ms. K said I should quote 4000 quid and see what happens.
Nah. What if he says yes?
So you see, Mr. Koo, what a good friend I am to you. At least I was willing to give you a quote (*wink).
Thank you, my friend, for deliberately coming over for our last chat on campus :)
年輕的臂章 默默除下了...
2011年9月6日 星期二
2011年9月4日 星期日
It's kind of interesting how MBA programs usually sell themselves for transforming people. That's what they always tell you at the start of the course. Get out of your comfort zone. Be more adventurous and ENTREPRENEURIAL. I did dream of how marvellously I would be changed. I'd become a confident person, loads of MBA bullshit, awesome job prospects...
It now seems that MBA was actually a journey to find out how perversely stubborn a person I am. I always used to think I'm not that much of a Virgo but now I know better.
In the past month I had actually been doing a lot of proofreading work for some non-native English speakers on their dissertations. Dissertations would usually discuss whether a qualitative or a quantitative approach is more suitable for the research topic blah blah. One thing I noticed is that
I BELIEVE IN NONE OF THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Yes. Most people use a qualitative approach because of time constraints, because there are not enough samples...and so, I believe in none of them. None at all. OK, yes, you wrote in the case study that you interviewed a guy who said A. But he could be bluffing. Yes, B said the same thing but then I'd start thinking, they won't let you know the whole story anyway so of course they'd say something that's consistent with the rumours in the industry. And there would usually be no case C because of the time constraints.
And so I do a quantitative research. That's not too much better, actually. By working on my dissertation I found how easy it is to muck up the numbers. So you've already done the whole analysis and you find you messed up something in the middle, though it's not obvious and it MIGHT not affect the results. Do you start over? I started over twice but when I messed something up the third time, I just couldn't force myself to do it again. Nobody would check anyway. And due to time constraints my sample was only from the S&P500. And to cover my ass I say the limitation is that S&P500 might not be able to represent the entire market. And end up concluding NOTHING, which I am actually quite comfortable with.
What is the point of doing a dissertation, then?
What's even more scary is that I now know I am a non-believer in basically EVERYTHING. I got goosebumps the moment I write this.
Alright James, I wrote this in English just for you.
It now seems that MBA was actually a journey to find out how perversely stubborn a person I am. I always used to think I'm not that much of a Virgo but now I know better.
In the past month I had actually been doing a lot of proofreading work for some non-native English speakers on their dissertations. Dissertations would usually discuss whether a qualitative or a quantitative approach is more suitable for the research topic blah blah. One thing I noticed is that
I BELIEVE IN NONE OF THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Yes. Most people use a qualitative approach because of time constraints, because there are not enough samples...and so, I believe in none of them. None at all. OK, yes, you wrote in the case study that you interviewed a guy who said A. But he could be bluffing. Yes, B said the same thing but then I'd start thinking, they won't let you know the whole story anyway so of course they'd say something that's consistent with the rumours in the industry. And there would usually be no case C because of the time constraints.
And so I do a quantitative research. That's not too much better, actually. By working on my dissertation I found how easy it is to muck up the numbers. So you've already done the whole analysis and you find you messed up something in the middle, though it's not obvious and it MIGHT not affect the results. Do you start over? I started over twice but when I messed something up the third time, I just couldn't force myself to do it again. Nobody would check anyway. And due to time constraints my sample was only from the S&P500. And to cover my ass I say the limitation is that S&P500 might not be able to represent the entire market. And end up concluding NOTHING, which I am actually quite comfortable with.
What is the point of doing a dissertation, then?
What's even more scary is that I now know I am a non-believer in basically EVERYTHING. I got goosebumps the moment I write this.
Alright James, I wrote this in English just for you.
2011年9月3日 星期六
每天每天 站在忙亂又無聊的路旁
每天每天 一直看見到你和你說話
每天每天 我都沒感覺我們有什麼改變
我一直以為 這是永遠
我已習慣 你走在我的右手邊
我已習慣 我們在一起像Old friend
分享生活裡的一切 我知道你每個笑
每一天 每一天 慢慢發現
And I love you baby 不會再後退
也不能只是你的 朋友
我已習慣 你走在我的右手邊
我已習慣 我們在一起像Old friend
分享生活裡的一切 我只要你在身邊
每天每天 一直看見到你和你說話
每天每天 我都沒感覺我們有什麼改變
我一直以為 這是永遠
我已習慣 你走在我的右手邊
我已習慣 我們在一起像Old friend
分享生活裡的一切 我知道你每個笑
每一天 每一天 慢慢發現
And I love you baby 不會再後退
也不能只是你的 朋友
我已習慣 你走在我的右手邊
我已習慣 我們在一起像Old friend
分享生活裡的一切 我只要你在身邊
2011年9月1日 星期四
2011年8月30日 星期二
2011年8月21日 星期日
前天應該是在英國第四次寫信去要求refund了,一口氣就寫了兩封,一封給LiverpoolFC,另一封給London Midlands Train。同日,又收到Megabus的refund。
英國的service,很善於道歉,只是不善改進。鏟人是有回報的,但你要給她時間,還要你慢慢教他們如何找回你的booking record。
今天有翻看以前的blog entry。我記得,大概4個月前我回了香港。上機前,卻莫名奇妙的感到害怕。很很很害怕。
很多人都會以為我做所有事都很有效率,輕鬆淡定。我其實sae guae到你不信,只不過我會下很多功夫去隱藏,我會做好多事去打底。我其實一點都不聰明,但每做一件事,我背後用了多少時間,我不會告訴你,我只會告訴你,我很快的完成,是為了要去旅行。
英國的service,很善於道歉,只是不善改進。鏟人是有回報的,但你要給她時間,還要你慢慢教他們如何找回你的booking record。
今天有翻看以前的blog entry。我記得,大概4個月前我回了香港。上機前,卻莫名奇妙的感到害怕。很很很害怕。
很多人都會以為我做所有事都很有效率,輕鬆淡定。我其實sae guae到你不信,只不過我會下很多功夫去隱藏,我會做好多事去打底。我其實一點都不聰明,但每做一件事,我背後用了多少時間,我不會告訴你,我只會告訴你,我很快的完成,是為了要去旅行。
2011年8月3日 星期三
1 叫老鼠不要拉屎
2 繼續執屎
3 忘記那些屎,整鍋粥吃掉就算
1 叫老鼠不要拉屎
2 繼續執屎
3 忘記那些屎,整鍋粥吃掉就算
2011年8月1日 星期一
Perverse behaviour by a non-shopaholic
一直都不是購物狂,不喜歡window shopping,也沒有不買不舒服的問題,只有買錯東西不舒服的問題。
我在Dresden的Baroque Quarters逛了一圈,裡面都是gallery跟designer boutique,價錢當然亦不菲。
離開這店以後,我覺得這區很危險,所以寧願立刻回去Hauptbahnhof 等車等半小時。但,我完全沒有辦法解釋自己的behaviour。
我在Dresden的Baroque Quarters逛了一圈,裡面都是gallery跟designer boutique,價錢當然亦不菲。
離開這店以後,我覺得這區很危險,所以寧願立刻回去Hauptbahnhof 等車等半小時。但,我完全沒有辦法解釋自己的behaviour。
2011年7月24日 星期日
2011年7月14日 星期四
2011年7月4日 星期一
雖然我知道他們不能代表overall population,但也很overwhelming。
雖然我知道他們不能代表overall population,但也很overwhelming。
2011年7月2日 星期六
2011年6月24日 星期五
When jokes are not jokes they are really funny
It's pretty much the first time I talk to MBA students from somewhere other than Warwick. Turns out different schools really breed different people.
So me and Ms. Ayse were having lunch with an American guy exchanging from Thunderbird. He said he has a job interview in Hamburg in the next few days, and it will be conducted in German.
Ms. Ayse said, "Ah. So you will be telling them what are your weaknesses in German!" and we chuckled. Well in case you don't know why we chuckled, it's because Warwick students have the common perception that "What are your weaknesses?" is about the daftEST question on earth for any interviewer to ask.
Then this guy said, "Yea. Ich bien ein perfectionist." I didn't know a word of German so for my benefit he translated it. "I am a PERFECTIONIST." he said.
And he went on. "I could never let go of something until it's perfect. I really can't do it. And there's another thing. I can't lie. If I lied it'd be all over my face. I can't even play poker. And I can't bribe. There are many things I can do, but you can't tell me to do anything unethical."
Just in case, I took a look and made sure he's not serious.
Oh no. He IS serious about the question. So both me and Ms. Ayse went dead silent. Thank god it's time for class to resume.
So me and Ms. Ayse were having lunch with an American guy exchanging from Thunderbird. He said he has a job interview in Hamburg in the next few days, and it will be conducted in German.
Ms. Ayse said, "Ah. So you will be telling them what are your weaknesses in German!" and we chuckled. Well in case you don't know why we chuckled, it's because Warwick students have the common perception that "What are your weaknesses?" is about the daftEST question on earth for any interviewer to ask.
Then this guy said, "Yea. Ich bien ein perfectionist." I didn't know a word of German so for my benefit he translated it. "I am a PERFECTIONIST." he said.
And he went on. "I could never let go of something until it's perfect. I really can't do it. And there's another thing. I can't lie. If I lied it'd be all over my face. I can't even play poker. And I can't bribe. There are many things I can do, but you can't tell me to do anything unethical."
Just in case, I took a look and made sure he's not serious.
Oh no. He IS serious about the question. So both me and Ms. Ayse went dead silent. Thank god it's time for class to resume.
2011年6月6日 星期一
Alumni networks
Met some girls from my own sec school in London.
Just because they happen to be in London. Frankly, if we were all in Hong Kong, I'd never even THINK about meeting them for lunch just to chitchat. Funny thing about being in a foreign place, we all suddenly become friends.
And oh how we've grown. We talk about our jobs, we talk about business, we talk about people getting married. The "she" now isn't the "she" we knew back then. The "me" now, I know, is certainly not the "me" we knew back then neither.
Came across another inspiring blogpost from my favourite blogger: 人在中環: 有火的日子
There is always a positive way to view things.
As my undergrad buddy said today, the very fact of being a student revitalises anyone. And regaining youth at heart is worth it all. Never mind the money.
Looking back, if it wasn't for that incident, I think I'd never be triggered to apply for an MBA program. I'd never be able to get in touch with a whole new world. I'd never be able to know how lucky I was to own whatever I already had owned.
However painful, it turned out to be something good.
Just because they happen to be in London. Frankly, if we were all in Hong Kong, I'd never even THINK about meeting them for lunch just to chitchat. Funny thing about being in a foreign place, we all suddenly become friends.
And oh how we've grown. We talk about our jobs, we talk about business, we talk about people getting married. The "she" now isn't the "she" we knew back then. The "me" now, I know, is certainly not the "me" we knew back then neither.
Came across another inspiring blogpost from my favourite blogger: 人在中環: 有火的日子
There is always a positive way to view things.
As my undergrad buddy said today, the very fact of being a student revitalises anyone. And regaining youth at heart is worth it all. Never mind the money.
Looking back, if it wasn't for that incident, I think I'd never be triggered to apply for an MBA program. I'd never be able to get in touch with a whole new world. I'd never be able to know how lucky I was to own whatever I already had owned.
However painful, it turned out to be something good.
2011年6月3日 星期五
Sometimes I wish I didn't have that stamina.
Was it a waste of time and effort? Yes, absolutely.
Was it self-destructive? Yes, dangerously too!
But why are you still doing it? Well...
I enjoyed the game.
Though I always lose. And I know I never will win.
Some day, I know, I'll get tired and I'll quit.
Somehow =)
Was it a waste of time and effort? Yes, absolutely.
Was it self-destructive? Yes, dangerously too!
But why are you still doing it? Well...
I enjoyed the game.
Though I always lose. And I know I never will win.
Some day, I know, I'll get tired and I'll quit.
Somehow =)
2011年5月24日 星期二
First impression and changes
Came across the msn history of one of my conversations with a friend, on the first day of my course.
"So! How's your course? Any HKers?"
"Yea, 4 including me"
"How were they?"
"Quite nice. Two of them are like, 4 to 5 years older than me, and there's another younger one, I guess she's about the same age. But she's very quiet. Like sheep"
"Yea. I am afraid of sheep. They are very boring."
"That's a funny way to put it."
"You know sheep, they don't even realize you are laughing at them when you do so. That's not fun"
A few months passed. The sheep turned out not what she seemed to be on our first day of school. And I told the sheep about that conversation, just for a laugh.
Sheep: 你立心不良!
K: 不過我第一日識你都覺得你好靜,好綿羊!好似需要人保護o個種!同埋你應該學到8級琴!
Me: 如果o吾係8級琴就應該係彈古箏啦!
Sheep: ...我兩樣都o吾識...
Me: o甘...你地又會o吾會覺得我學琴學到演奏級呢...
K: Um...你比我第一印象同而家差o吾多,都係好sporty好鐘意打波o甘...
Sheep: Yee 佢好似逃避緊你個問題...
Me: 撞鬼...究竟點解我呀媽要比o甘多錢我學琴呢...
Sheep: 係呢,點解你會學琴o架?你真係o吾似wor
Me: 聽聞係因為佢地買左個琴,但家姐放棄左,所以逼我學
Sheep: o甘點解逼你學而o吾逼你家姐繼續呢?
Me: 因為我細個好乖。
K + Sheep: ......
Me: 其實我細個時候好文靜o架。
K + Sheep: ......
"So! How's your course? Any HKers?"
"Yea, 4 including me"
"How were they?"
"Quite nice. Two of them are like, 4 to 5 years older than me, and there's another younger one, I guess she's about the same age. But she's very quiet. Like sheep"
"Yea. I am afraid of sheep. They are very boring."
"That's a funny way to put it."
"You know sheep, they don't even realize you are laughing at them when you do so. That's not fun"
A few months passed. The sheep turned out not what she seemed to be on our first day of school. And I told the sheep about that conversation, just for a laugh.
Sheep: 你立心不良!
K: 不過我第一日識你都覺得你好靜,好綿羊!好似需要人保護o個種!同埋你應該學到8級琴!
Me: 如果o吾係8級琴就應該係彈古箏啦!
Sheep: ...我兩樣都o吾識...
Me: o甘...你地又會o吾會覺得我學琴學到演奏級呢...
K: Um...你比我第一印象同而家差o吾多,都係好sporty好鐘意打波o甘...
Sheep: Yee 佢好似逃避緊你個問題...
Me: 撞鬼...究竟點解我呀媽要比o甘多錢我學琴呢...
Sheep: 係呢,點解你會學琴o架?你真係o吾似wor
Me: 聽聞係因為佢地買左個琴,但家姐放棄左,所以逼我學
Sheep: o甘點解逼你學而o吾逼你家姐繼續呢?
Me: 因為我細個好乖。
K + Sheep: ......
Me: 其實我細個時候好文靜o架。
K + Sheep: ......
2011年5月14日 星期六
How easy it is to lose money in Cov
We just had one day to spend in Coventry, I decided to take my sis to Leamington.
Was a Sunday. Arrived at Rootes bus station at 15:15. Looked at timetable and found that we missed the 15:12 bus. Next bus will arrive at 16:12.
Sister wanted to go to Tesco to see if there is anything British she could buy as a souvenir. To Tesco we went. Then we caught the 16:07 bus from Tesco to Leamington via Warwick Uni.
Outside Rootes, the bus broke down. In other words, we successfully travelled from Tesco to Warwick Uni for 1.6 pounds EACH. As I got off the bus, Mr. Adeel and Mr. Haroon at the station asked me, what on earth did you do to our bus? We can't go out now!
As the next bus will arrive at 17:12, we decided to take a taxi to Leamington. The taxi took off. I noticed that the meter wasn't on. I asked the driver, "Hello? Your meter isn't on?"
Driver said, "What? We agreed on 20 pounds!"
1. He never mentioned 20 pounds.
2. We never said any word apart from "Leamington" and "Parade" to this taxi driver.
3. As far as experience tells me, going to Leam ISN'T 20 pounds.
I said, no I can't do 20 pounds. At most 15.
Driver showed us a list saying "Coventry Taxi Driver Association". "According to this list I should have charged 28 pounds to Leamington. I'm just charging you 20 and you agreed. All the drivers at the station heard you."
1. If the right price is 28 why are you charging me 20?
2. Again, I never agreed to 20.
3. Even if the true price on the meter turns out to be 28, for the sake of not wanting this dodgy guy earn my money, I said,
"Let us out. I'm not going now."
"Fine, but the minimum charge is 2.8 pounds. Pay me 2.8 pounds and I can let you off here."
I prolly should have called the police but I wonder if any police will deal with this on a Sunday afternoon. So we paid 2.8 pounds and went back to the taxi stand to take another taxi.
Total money spent: 3.2 pounds for the bus and 2.8 pounds for the dodgy taxi = 6 pounds
Total achieved: getting horridly pissed off
P.S. Taxi from Rootes to Leam finally took me another 16 pounds.
Was a Sunday. Arrived at Rootes bus station at 15:15. Looked at timetable and found that we missed the 15:12 bus. Next bus will arrive at 16:12.
Sister wanted to go to Tesco to see if there is anything British she could buy as a souvenir. To Tesco we went. Then we caught the 16:07 bus from Tesco to Leamington via Warwick Uni.
Outside Rootes, the bus broke down. In other words, we successfully travelled from Tesco to Warwick Uni for 1.6 pounds EACH. As I got off the bus, Mr. Adeel and Mr. Haroon at the station asked me, what on earth did you do to our bus? We can't go out now!
As the next bus will arrive at 17:12, we decided to take a taxi to Leamington. The taxi took off. I noticed that the meter wasn't on. I asked the driver, "Hello? Your meter isn't on?"
Driver said, "What? We agreed on 20 pounds!"
1. He never mentioned 20 pounds.
2. We never said any word apart from "Leamington" and "Parade" to this taxi driver.
3. As far as experience tells me, going to Leam ISN'T 20 pounds.
I said, no I can't do 20 pounds. At most 15.
Driver showed us a list saying "Coventry Taxi Driver Association". "According to this list I should have charged 28 pounds to Leamington. I'm just charging you 20 and you agreed. All the drivers at the station heard you."
1. If the right price is 28 why are you charging me 20?
2. Again, I never agreed to 20.
3. Even if the true price on the meter turns out to be 28, for the sake of not wanting this dodgy guy earn my money, I said,
"Let us out. I'm not going now."
"Fine, but the minimum charge is 2.8 pounds. Pay me 2.8 pounds and I can let you off here."
I prolly should have called the police but I wonder if any police will deal with this on a Sunday afternoon. So we paid 2.8 pounds and went back to the taxi stand to take another taxi.
Total money spent: 3.2 pounds for the bus and 2.8 pounds for the dodgy taxi = 6 pounds
Total achieved: getting horridly pissed off
P.S. Taxi from Rootes to Leam finally took me another 16 pounds.
2011年5月11日 星期三
Fucking Hot Tube!
The London Tube is really fucking hot. There’s almost no ventilation inside the train. I felt like stuck in an oven.
There was a guy sitting opposite us and his girlfriend was leaning on his shoulder. Hm. The girl looked quite nice. But since the carriage was so hot and stuffy I felt a bit dizzy and started to dose off.
When the train reached Paddington, I woke up because it’s almost my time to get off. In just a short glimpse I noticed that the guy opposite me was wearing a pair of jeans that was VERY TIGHT. EXCEPTIONALLY TIGHT. Hm…the jeans didn’t seem so tight a few stations earlier, if it was SO TIGHT I thought I’d notice that? Hm…and the guy’s face was VERY RED. Hm…
Well I shouldn’t be surprised. The Tube was so hot probably any guy would wanna take off all his clothes then and there.
There was a guy sitting opposite us and his girlfriend was leaning on his shoulder. Hm. The girl looked quite nice. But since the carriage was so hot and stuffy I felt a bit dizzy and started to dose off.
When the train reached Paddington, I woke up because it’s almost my time to get off. In just a short glimpse I noticed that the guy opposite me was wearing a pair of jeans that was VERY TIGHT. EXCEPTIONALLY TIGHT. Hm…the jeans didn’t seem so tight a few stations earlier, if it was SO TIGHT I thought I’d notice that? Hm…and the guy’s face was VERY RED. Hm…
Well I shouldn’t be surprised. The Tube was so hot probably any guy would wanna take off all his clothes then and there.
2011年4月29日 星期五
Royal Wedding
2011年4月15日 星期五
2011年4月8日 星期五
走在半空中 要人命的風 就快要把我吹落
妳在那一頭 說妳不愛我 我掛在風裡顫抖
走鋼索的人 不害怕犧牲 只求妳一句 愛我
往前是解脫 後退是自由 我應不應該回頭
風吹痛我雙眼 我看不清楚
我平衡不了 躲在我心裡的苦
我要給妳幸福 妳蠻不在乎
妳愛不愛我 會決定我 下一步
往前是冷漠 後退是寂寞 乾脆我墜落
回憶在左手 未來在右手 誰又會同情我
走在半空中 要人命的風 就快要把我吹落
妳在那一頭 說妳不愛我 我掛在風裡顫抖
走鋼索的人 不害怕犧牲 只求妳一句 愛我
往前是解脫 後退是自由 我應不應該回頭
風吹痛我雙眼 我看不清楚
我平衡不了 躲在我心裡的苦
我要給妳幸福 妳蠻不在乎
妳愛不愛我 會決定我 下一步
往前是冷漠 後退是寂寞 乾脆我墜落
回憶在左手 未來在右手 誰又會同情我
Please be careful of your belongings
Two news, one good one bad. Bad is, I lost some pounds (as in money, not weight, sadly). Good is, I have a good story to tell.
Below I will present the facts, and the facts only:
Date: 6th April, 2011
Venue: WBS A2.06
Time: around 8pm
1. 7 people in the group.
2. My textbook was originally placed on top of my own laptop.
3. After discussion ended, 4 people left the room, remaining people included Lady, Me and Guy, who chatted about careers stuff.
4. When I was about to leave, I no longer see a textbook on my laptop. One textbook is placed on the table.
5. Examining the textbook, with many corners folded and very worn out, I declared, "This is not mine."
6. Guy said, "Oh. How do you know?" I said, "It's so worn out! Impossible!"
7. Thinking maybe someone dropped my book on the floor (thus making its corners folded) I went home. Briefly flipped through the book. Found underlines and markings. Therefore it is definitely not mine.
8. Next day I went around asking whether my groupmates took my book by mistake. Everybody showed me either their names on their book or highlighter marks on their book. Except one Guy. He said, "Oh, my book is in my car. But I didn't make any markings on my book. I'm sure this is not mine."
9. I reported this finding to Uncle R. Uncle R reported that this morning when there were only 3 people in the lecture room, this Guy was flipping through the textbook.
So guys, keep a close eye on your belongings, including any textbooks that you're planning to sell out on Amazon. My textbook has now depreciated to scrap value overnight. I don't intend to confront that guy, so treat it as a non-recurring write off. But it's not about the money. My point is:
How could something so "high school" happen in an MBA course for god's sake?!
Below I will present the facts, and the facts only:
Date: 6th April, 2011
Venue: WBS A2.06
Time: around 8pm
1. 7 people in the group.
2. My textbook was originally placed on top of my own laptop.
3. After discussion ended, 4 people left the room, remaining people included Lady, Me and Guy, who chatted about careers stuff.
4. When I was about to leave, I no longer see a textbook on my laptop. One textbook is placed on the table.
5. Examining the textbook, with many corners folded and very worn out, I declared, "This is not mine."
6. Guy said, "Oh. How do you know?" I said, "It's so worn out! Impossible!"
7. Thinking maybe someone dropped my book on the floor (thus making its corners folded) I went home. Briefly flipped through the book. Found underlines and markings. Therefore it is definitely not mine.
8. Next day I went around asking whether my groupmates took my book by mistake. Everybody showed me either their names on their book or highlighter marks on their book. Except one Guy. He said, "Oh, my book is in my car. But I didn't make any markings on my book. I'm sure this is not mine."
9. I reported this finding to Uncle R. Uncle R reported that this morning when there were only 3 people in the lecture room, this Guy was flipping through the textbook.
So guys, keep a close eye on your belongings, including any textbooks that you're planning to sell out on Amazon. My textbook has now depreciated to scrap value overnight. I don't intend to confront that guy, so treat it as a non-recurring write off. But it's not about the money. My point is:
How could something so "high school" happen in an MBA course for god's sake?!
2011年4月5日 星期二
Get a gun!
People who don't know me well would have thought I have a quick temper simply telling from my grumpy looks, but those who know me quite well would know that I actually am quite patient with people (part of the reason is I am actually a little bit slow in response).
So I thought I was being quite childish when I kept saying that I hate a certain guy (like last week) and I thought I was being quite childish for hating a certain guy (a different guy) this week as well. Until somebody sitting besides me whispered, "Is it just me? I find that guy in the front EXTREMELY ANNOYING!"
Mr. Serious sitting beside me has been a quiet lad through two terms, and was so serious that I seldom talked to him. But now Mr. Serious was suggesting me to get a gun and shoot that guy at the front.
It really amazes me how somebody could annoy anybody so much without even having talked to neither of us. He feels really good about himself. He speaks with authority. He sounds sarcastic and tries to be funny in a sarcastic way and is really cocky. He keeps saying "yep, yep, yep" very loudly while the lecturer is speaking, as if the lecturer needs his endorsement of what is to be said. And this afternoon, whenever he shows his cockiness again, Mr. Serious would say under his breath, "Shoot him down, man!"
Well Mr. Cocky, congratulations, you've tested the bottomline :)
By the way, I really liked the valuation model that I was taught today. Fresh stuff that never appeared in the CFA syllabus!
So I thought I was being quite childish when I kept saying that I hate a certain guy (like last week) and I thought I was being quite childish for hating a certain guy (a different guy) this week as well. Until somebody sitting besides me whispered, "Is it just me? I find that guy in the front EXTREMELY ANNOYING!"
Mr. Serious sitting beside me has been a quiet lad through two terms, and was so serious that I seldom talked to him. But now Mr. Serious was suggesting me to get a gun and shoot that guy at the front.
It really amazes me how somebody could annoy anybody so much without even having talked to neither of us. He feels really good about himself. He speaks with authority. He sounds sarcastic and tries to be funny in a sarcastic way and is really cocky. He keeps saying "yep, yep, yep" very loudly while the lecturer is speaking, as if the lecturer needs his endorsement of what is to be said. And this afternoon, whenever he shows his cockiness again, Mr. Serious would say under his breath, "Shoot him down, man!"
Well Mr. Cocky, congratulations, you've tested the bottomline :)
By the way, I really liked the valuation model that I was taught today. Fresh stuff that never appeared in the CFA syllabus!
2011年4月4日 星期一
2011年4月2日 星期六
Governance emergencies! (2)
OK. Presentation day. Our group was last to go so we're probably expected with the best, but obviously now I think we should come last. No joking, the lecturer was damn right we all worked on our own slides without any co-operation or co-ordination or interlinkage. Because co-operation wasn't possible.
This guy who started off by introducing the company (which, really, wasn't necessary: who doesn't know what is Disney anyway?) started playing a video to "wake the people up" without me even knowing that he was gonna do it. And what was that video? A Mickey Mouse cartoon. That's it. And how much is that related to our presentation? Well, not much to be honest, except that both are associated with Disney.
Then the guy used TEN minutes to introduce the company and the timeline of events (mind you, all 5 of us had 30 minutes in total), which, again, is not much related to the questions that we were prompted to answer. And with odd captions that were meant to "make the presentation more interesting" as well, "Waking of the Sleeping Beauty"? "Ruling with an iron fist"? "The roaring mouse"? What was all that about?! If you could make the whole thing funny, fine; but if you can't, you're just downright odd. No kidding.
Second guy, again, used TEN minutes in answering question 1. To be honest, he did do a good job of making things very clear, but then the remaining TEN minutes had to be split between THREE people. And, I was the ending speaker. Again.
No kidding, I did lots of research for the presentation, but none of them bothered to understand them nor use them properly. And since they didn't do a good job of explaining anyway, I mentioned those at the conclusion section. Ending comment by lecturer, "I think there was some important stuff that should be put in the context, not at the conclusion. I feel your presentation is very loosely structured."
Well, he was right. I didn't even ask for the final mark for our presentation. I'm not even interested. I'm not happy, really; I hate delivering shitty work KNOWING that it's going to be shitty. I just didn't bother trying to convince those uncles with a terribly big ego. My bad.
One funny thing happened AFTER the presentation though. There was a lady doing distance MBA who came along and said, "Well done! I didn't know you were going to speak in the presentation! You were so quiet in the class, I thought you were very shy! You did a good job!"
So I was like, "Shy? Huh? Well...you can ask these guys." and I pointed to my full time colleagues.
And my good old colleague said, "She's not shy. She's not THERE!"
Which is true because, as a protest against the crappy course and the lecturer who constantly feels too good about himself, I skipped the entire Thursday's lectures.
This guy who started off by introducing the company (which, really, wasn't necessary: who doesn't know what is Disney anyway?) started playing a video to "wake the people up" without me even knowing that he was gonna do it. And what was that video? A Mickey Mouse cartoon. That's it. And how much is that related to our presentation? Well, not much to be honest, except that both are associated with Disney.
Then the guy used TEN minutes to introduce the company and the timeline of events (mind you, all 5 of us had 30 minutes in total), which, again, is not much related to the questions that we were prompted to answer. And with odd captions that were meant to "make the presentation more interesting" as well, "Waking of the Sleeping Beauty"? "Ruling with an iron fist"? "The roaring mouse"? What was all that about?! If you could make the whole thing funny, fine; but if you can't, you're just downright odd. No kidding.
Second guy, again, used TEN minutes in answering question 1. To be honest, he did do a good job of making things very clear, but then the remaining TEN minutes had to be split between THREE people. And, I was the ending speaker. Again.
No kidding, I did lots of research for the presentation, but none of them bothered to understand them nor use them properly. And since they didn't do a good job of explaining anyway, I mentioned those at the conclusion section. Ending comment by lecturer, "I think there was some important stuff that should be put in the context, not at the conclusion. I feel your presentation is very loosely structured."
Well, he was right. I didn't even ask for the final mark for our presentation. I'm not even interested. I'm not happy, really; I hate delivering shitty work KNOWING that it's going to be shitty. I just didn't bother trying to convince those uncles with a terribly big ego. My bad.
One funny thing happened AFTER the presentation though. There was a lady doing distance MBA who came along and said, "Well done! I didn't know you were going to speak in the presentation! You were so quiet in the class, I thought you were very shy! You did a good job!"
So I was like, "Shy? Huh? Well...you can ask these guys." and I pointed to my full time colleagues.
And my good old colleague said, "She's not shy. She's not THERE!"
Which is true because, as a protest against the crappy course and the lecturer who constantly feels too good about himself, I skipped the entire Thursday's lectures.
2011年4月1日 星期五
Governance emergencies!
There are some people that you know, at the first moment you hear them speak, you can't click with them.
So this guy would tell you to run through the powerpoint from start to finish, but as soon as the 2nd slide comes on he starts commenting. So we'd pause to make changes and discuss what changes to make. Then as you are working, this same guy will say, "Look guys, why don't we run through the whole thing from start to finish."
Then you'd run from the start again. This time when the 3rd slide comes on he starts commenting again. So naturally, we paused again (because what needs to be done needs to get done, ain't that right?) But as soon as you're halfway done, he'd say again "Look guys, why don't we run through the whole thing from start to finish."
And the loop went on once more before I said, "Please write that down and keep it to yourself until we finish?"
Our case was about the compensation package of the CEO of Walt Disney Co. The case asked us whether we thought his package was reasonable or not, but enclosing a resignation letter from another director which expressed that the CEO didn't deserve his pay. BUT does that really mean it's not reasonable?
Took those guys some time to finally digest the fact that no, the CEO wasn't overpaid, because more than 80% of his salary came from a bonus which was tied systematically to net profit plus a chunk of stock options while his basic salary was pathetic. Looking at the numbers I crunched the guys were actually hiding their heads in their hands. What's so wrong about saying his pay was reasonable? That's something I don't get.
But what really upset me was, I tried to briefly explain to them his salary structure, which of course, included some numbers. This guy (same guy) just said, "OK, let's not dive into the numbers." WHAT?! If I hadn't been crunching all this stuff you guys would still be stupidly thinking that YES EISNER WAS DEFINITELY OVERPAID. WHY? BECAUSE STANLEY GOLD WHO RESIGNED SAID SO. And then feel good about yourself. Let's not dive into the numbers? Hold on, you're actually saying "Let's not look at the facts"!
Similarly, in the first meeting this guy (same guy) undertook the task of compiling a graph showing the revenue, net profit and share price of Disney during Eisner's regime. Second meeting, no information from him. Decision was: "Let's not put that in the slides, I don't think we should dive into the numbers anyway."
Don't dive into the numbers, but yes dive into the sea of 2x2 tables and frameworks. Some guy (same guy) said that those who already did their presentation seemed to just summarize what's in the case studies. That's not adding value and we should avoid it. And, doing it all by himself, he decided to summarize what's in the lecture notes instead. OK, according to him THAT'S adding value, flooding the slides with whatever framework he could find in the lecture notes no matter they're relevant or not. Don't waste our efforts scraping them away man! I don't even want to look at our slides anymore.
Then there was the issue of whether all of us should speak or should it be just 2 or 3. We have in total 30 minutes and 5 sections, so I thought all 5 should speak. But no, he said, it disrupts the continuity. Better have just 3. Do you want to present? I'm happy to present.
Wait. 3 people for 30 minutes? That's 10 for each and possibly 15 for some. No I don't think anyone wants to listen to one single bloke talking nonstop for 15 whole minutes. Now THAT'S disruptive.
Ugh. I'm getting a bit personal now.
So this guy would tell you to run through the powerpoint from start to finish, but as soon as the 2nd slide comes on he starts commenting. So we'd pause to make changes and discuss what changes to make. Then as you are working, this same guy will say, "Look guys, why don't we run through the whole thing from start to finish."
Then you'd run from the start again. This time when the 3rd slide comes on he starts commenting again. So naturally, we paused again (because what needs to be done needs to get done, ain't that right?) But as soon as you're halfway done, he'd say again "Look guys, why don't we run through the whole thing from start to finish."
And the loop went on once more before I said, "Please write that down and keep it to yourself until we finish?"
Our case was about the compensation package of the CEO of Walt Disney Co. The case asked us whether we thought his package was reasonable or not, but enclosing a resignation letter from another director which expressed that the CEO didn't deserve his pay. BUT does that really mean it's not reasonable?
Took those guys some time to finally digest the fact that no, the CEO wasn't overpaid, because more than 80% of his salary came from a bonus which was tied systematically to net profit plus a chunk of stock options while his basic salary was pathetic. Looking at the numbers I crunched the guys were actually hiding their heads in their hands. What's so wrong about saying his pay was reasonable? That's something I don't get.
But what really upset me was, I tried to briefly explain to them his salary structure, which of course, included some numbers. This guy (same guy) just said, "OK, let's not dive into the numbers." WHAT?! If I hadn't been crunching all this stuff you guys would still be stupidly thinking that YES EISNER WAS DEFINITELY OVERPAID. WHY? BECAUSE STANLEY GOLD WHO RESIGNED SAID SO. And then feel good about yourself. Let's not dive into the numbers? Hold on, you're actually saying "Let's not look at the facts"!
Similarly, in the first meeting this guy (same guy) undertook the task of compiling a graph showing the revenue, net profit and share price of Disney during Eisner's regime. Second meeting, no information from him. Decision was: "Let's not put that in the slides, I don't think we should dive into the numbers anyway."
Don't dive into the numbers, but yes dive into the sea of 2x2 tables and frameworks. Some guy (same guy) said that those who already did their presentation seemed to just summarize what's in the case studies. That's not adding value and we should avoid it. And, doing it all by himself, he decided to summarize what's in the lecture notes instead. OK, according to him THAT'S adding value, flooding the slides with whatever framework he could find in the lecture notes no matter they're relevant or not. Don't waste our efforts scraping them away man! I don't even want to look at our slides anymore.
Then there was the issue of whether all of us should speak or should it be just 2 or 3. We have in total 30 minutes and 5 sections, so I thought all 5 should speak. But no, he said, it disrupts the continuity. Better have just 3. Do you want to present? I'm happy to present.
Wait. 3 people for 30 minutes? That's 10 for each and possibly 15 for some. No I don't think anyone wants to listen to one single bloke talking nonstop for 15 whole minutes. Now THAT'S disruptive.
Ugh. I'm getting a bit personal now.
2011年3月26日 星期六
Is it a guy thing or is it just me?
It's a friendly game. It's at noon in the scorching sun. It's just a 4-on-4 game. It's a mini pitch. There's nothing official whatsoever.
Why would you lecture your own cohort for slacking off in a silly football game?
Why would you tease someone, nonstop, that he has two left legs because his shots are far away from being on target?
Why would you moan about injury every time you missed a goal when you had a golden chance?
Why would you even say "I want us to win" when nobody is even keeping track of the score?
Is it the guys' obsessions about victory that I just don't have?
Frankly, though, I think you should be more mature.
Why would you lecture your own cohort for slacking off in a silly football game?
Why would you tease someone, nonstop, that he has two left legs because his shots are far away from being on target?
Why would you moan about injury every time you missed a goal when you had a golden chance?
Why would you even say "I want us to win" when nobody is even keeping track of the score?
Is it the guys' obsessions about victory that I just don't have?
Frankly, though, I think you should be more mature.
2011年3月23日 星期三
I hate strategy
I repeat, I hate strategy.
Well looking at the paper from 2010, I just don't see how I would benefit by being able to recite the definition of "competitive advantage" and "core competence".
OK. Give me a business. Then I'm supposed to tell you, A is a competitive advantage. B is just a core competence, not a competitive advantage. C are the resources of the company, but it is not the core competence. D is an intangible resource. E is a tangible resource.
OK then. SO WHAT? Does that change anything?
And there was this slide that really made me burst:
Title: Levels of uncertainty (Source: Courtney, Kirkland and Viguerie (1997) Harvard Business Review)
- Clear enough future
-- single view
- Alternative futures
-- limited set of possible future outcomes one of which will occur
- Range of futures
-- range of possible outcomes
- True ambiguity
-- not even a range of possible future outcomes
OK, you've exhausted all possibilities. How does that help?
Jesus Christ. I prefer serendipity.
Well looking at the paper from 2010, I just don't see how I would benefit by being able to recite the definition of "competitive advantage" and "core competence".
OK. Give me a business. Then I'm supposed to tell you, A is a competitive advantage. B is just a core competence, not a competitive advantage. C are the resources of the company, but it is not the core competence. D is an intangible resource. E is a tangible resource.
OK then. SO WHAT? Does that change anything?
And there was this slide that really made me burst:
Title: Levels of uncertainty (Source: Courtney, Kirkland and Viguerie (1997) Harvard Business Review)
- Clear enough future
-- single view
- Alternative futures
-- limited set of possible future outcomes one of which will occur
- Range of futures
-- range of possible outcomes
- True ambiguity
-- not even a range of possible future outcomes
OK, you've exhausted all possibilities. How does that help?
Jesus Christ. I prefer serendipity.
2011年3月20日 星期日
好cliche wor。
RubberBand的core competency是,聽完有開心左,平靜左的感覺。
微風吹起剎那 長灘記載仲夏
擠於那帳幕下 營火邊講笑嗎
迷戀那位 在盼對話 是絢爛暑假
黃昏依稀剎那 籃框記掛盛夏
曾呼喊勝利吧 給汗水擦亮年華
誰有來打氣 名字漸忘記 夏天出走遠飛
如今這跳錶 自動停頓了
無稽的笑話 嫌棄在那朝
落泊的房間 睡醒每朝
洗過臉跟倒影說 什麼才重要
航空的信封 漸漸溶爛了
同班的照片 搬遷中給錯丟
密閉高樓中 棲身冷氣風裡
倦了 這身軀 很想再回到初夏的夜裡
時光飄遠 忘了即興
結集舊時場景 安慰澀倦眼睛
年輕的臂章 默默除下了
藏珍的唱片 誰刮掉報銷
在滿街人堆 未懂對焦
空氣有把聲音說 人經已大了
這秒鐘 沒夏蟲在叫
才知這輩子 青春一早退燒
悶透的時鐘 摧毀每寸依據
若世界太趕 只想再回到初夏的夜裡
好cliche wor。
RubberBand的core competency是,聽完有開心左,平靜左的感覺。
微風吹起剎那 長灘記載仲夏
擠於那帳幕下 營火邊講笑嗎
迷戀那位 在盼對話 是絢爛暑假
黃昏依稀剎那 籃框記掛盛夏
曾呼喊勝利吧 給汗水擦亮年華
誰有來打氣 名字漸忘記 夏天出走遠飛
如今這跳錶 自動停頓了
無稽的笑話 嫌棄在那朝
落泊的房間 睡醒每朝
洗過臉跟倒影說 什麼才重要
航空的信封 漸漸溶爛了
同班的照片 搬遷中給錯丟
密閉高樓中 棲身冷氣風裡
倦了 這身軀 很想再回到初夏的夜裡
時光飄遠 忘了即興
結集舊時場景 安慰澀倦眼睛
年輕的臂章 默默除下了
藏珍的唱片 誰刮掉報銷
在滿街人堆 未懂對焦
空氣有把聲音說 人經已大了
這秒鐘 沒夏蟲在叫
才知這輩子 青春一早退燒
悶透的時鐘 摧毀每寸依據
若世界太趕 只想再回到初夏的夜裡
2011年3月14日 星期一
2011年3月9日 星期三
我可以用廣東話/普通話在lecture room裡面對著朋友們發很大很大的爛渣,但都揮不去一種無力感。魚糧繼續做,底繼續包,感覺,就好像當年做隊長。天分不夠頂硬上,落得烏雲蓋頂。
我可以用廣東話/普通話在lecture room裡面對著朋友們發很大很大的爛渣,但都揮不去一種無力感。魚糧繼續做,底繼續包,感覺,就好像當年做隊長。天分不夠頂硬上,落得烏雲蓋頂。
2011年3月3日 星期四
If you hate people pretending to be humble, high five!
Quite some time ago there was this colleague of mine whom I talked about taking an MBA. I was saying to do it in UK would cost me nearly all the money I had, but if I really can't afford it myself my parents can give me some support. This guy says, wow, you're pretty rich huh. And I say, yea, "dou OK ga".
The answer took the guy by surprise for a second, but then he said, I LIKE YOUR ANSWER!
I forgot what we were talking about but some guy from my group asked me, you got a pretty high GMAT score, right? And I say, yea, was pretty high.
And the guy who asked the question said, I LIKE YOUR ANSWER!
Why do they like my answer? Well it's obviously because people don't usually JUST SAY "I am good."
They'll say, "Nah, I sucked at it." Then wait for other people to ask, "Then what did you get?" "710." "Oh my god and you say you sucked at it? I can't believe it!" "Well yea...I scored 800 in all my GMAT practice tests so I was really disappointed with my results, yea, you know, well, um..."
They'll say, "No I'm not rich! Stop saying that!" Then wait for other people to ask, "Then where do you live?" "Chelsea." "Oh my god and you say you're not rich? I can't believe it!" "Well uh...it just costed me around a million or two, yea, you know, well, um..."
You just HATE these kinda people don't you!
So next time anyone asks me why I succeeded in something, I will say to him/her, because I am good.
And that's at least part of the truth, isn't it? (wink)
The answer took the guy by surprise for a second, but then he said, I LIKE YOUR ANSWER!
I forgot what we were talking about but some guy from my group asked me, you got a pretty high GMAT score, right? And I say, yea, was pretty high.
And the guy who asked the question said, I LIKE YOUR ANSWER!
Why do they like my answer? Well it's obviously because people don't usually JUST SAY "I am good."
They'll say, "Nah, I sucked at it." Then wait for other people to ask, "Then what did you get?" "710." "Oh my god and you say you sucked at it? I can't believe it!" "Well yea...I scored 800 in all my GMAT practice tests so I was really disappointed with my results, yea, you know, well, um..."
They'll say, "No I'm not rich! Stop saying that!" Then wait for other people to ask, "Then where do you live?" "Chelsea." "Oh my god and you say you're not rich? I can't believe it!" "Well uh...it just costed me around a million or two, yea, you know, well, um..."
You just HATE these kinda people don't you!
So next time anyone asks me why I succeeded in something, I will say to him/her, because I am good.
And that's at least part of the truth, isn't it? (wink)
2011年3月1日 星期二
The business cycle
Today, I learnt about the business cycle that is very inspiring:
Cash --> Raw materials --> Work-In-Progress --> Finished goods --> Debtors --> Cash
"Do you want cash? Well not really. Because they aren't really generating revenue for you and too much of it lowers your ROI. So you buy raw materials with your cash. Do you want raw materials? Well not really. Because they are expensive to keep. So you turn them into WIP. Do you want WIP? Well not really. Because they are worth nothing until they're finished. So you turn them into finished goods. Do you want finished goods? Well not really. Because you want to sell them! So you sell them and you get debtors. Do you want debtors? Well not really. Because you want them to pay you. So they pay you, and you get cash. Do you want cash? Well not really! That's the business cycle for a finance director isn't it!"
Well I don't understand much of British humour but I understand his. David Murphy is the guy!
Cash --> Raw materials --> Work-In-Progress --> Finished goods --> Debtors --> Cash
"Do you want cash? Well not really. Because they aren't really generating revenue for you and too much of it lowers your ROI. So you buy raw materials with your cash. Do you want raw materials? Well not really. Because they are expensive to keep. So you turn them into WIP. Do you want WIP? Well not really. Because they are worth nothing until they're finished. So you turn them into finished goods. Do you want finished goods? Well not really. Because you want to sell them! So you sell them and you get debtors. Do you want debtors? Well not really. Because you want them to pay you. So they pay you, and you get cash. Do you want cash? Well not really! That's the business cycle for a finance director isn't it!"
Well I don't understand much of British humour but I understand his. David Murphy is the guy!
2011年2月25日 星期五
Young peeps!!! (2)
Not sure if it applies to every culture, but I normally regard 3 years difference as "one generation gap", i.e. if somebody is 3 years older than me I'd say we have a generation gap and if somebody is 6 years older than me I'd say we have TWO generation gaps. Well not that the number is important but it just explains how different people's mindsets are.
So I was back from Tesco with SiMui and on the way some friend of SiMui, who is an undergrad, came along and said hi. During the conversation we learnt that she just had a presentation in class. Well that is nothing special until you realize what she wore. Black tights with, on top, a skirt barely covering her entire hips. Wow, some presentation!
So SiMui is 2 years younger than me and I guess that's the maximum gap I could tolerate. The undergrad who is again 2 years younger than SiMui is, therefore, beyond capacity. To make it simple, they are simply 不知所謂!
So, folks older than me, if you find my behaviour utterly unacceptable, please let me know. Because...I'm still a young peep! =]
So I was back from Tesco with SiMui and on the way some friend of SiMui, who is an undergrad, came along and said hi. During the conversation we learnt that she just had a presentation in class. Well that is nothing special until you realize what she wore. Black tights with, on top, a skirt barely covering her entire hips. Wow, some presentation!
So SiMui is 2 years younger than me and I guess that's the maximum gap I could tolerate. The undergrad who is again 2 years younger than SiMui is, therefore, beyond capacity. To make it simple, they are simply 不知所謂!
So, folks older than me, if you find my behaviour utterly unacceptable, please let me know. Because...I'm still a young peep! =]
2011年2月24日 星期四
Sigh...young peeps!
So this morning I agreed to do a psychology experiment for a project of one my my undergrad football teammates. She told me to "meet her at the Library" (didn't say where) at 1:30pm and for her convenience, I gave her my phone number through facebook inbox.
So I was there at the Library entrance at 1:30pm sharp. Nobody there. I went down the stairs to see if she's outside the cafe. Nobody there. I tried to look for internet access to check my facebook and see if I had remembered the time wrong. Nope, nothing wrong. It was eventually 1:50pm and since she never gave me her number I gave her a message telling her to call me.
After wandering around for some more on campus (WLAN was lost) and I got no phone call I decided I'm not going to waste anymore of my time and go home. And the moment I went back to my own room, the message I got in my facebook inbox was "Oh I am at the Floor 2 sofas", sent to me at 1:55pm.
Well, young peeps, it's your project, not mine. If you don't give a damn, don't try to waste anybody's time. I told her I had gone home. And from her reply "I tried to reply as quickly as possible. But that's ok.", I know she still doesn't have a clue what has gone wrong.
So I was there at the Library entrance at 1:30pm sharp. Nobody there. I went down the stairs to see if she's outside the cafe. Nobody there. I tried to look for internet access to check my facebook and see if I had remembered the time wrong. Nope, nothing wrong. It was eventually 1:50pm and since she never gave me her number I gave her a message telling her to call me.
After wandering around for some more on campus (WLAN was lost) and I got no phone call I decided I'm not going to waste anymore of my time and go home. And the moment I went back to my own room, the message I got in my facebook inbox was "Oh I am at the Floor 2 sofas", sent to me at 1:55pm.
Well, young peeps, it's your project, not mine. If you don't give a damn, don't try to waste anybody's time. I told her I had gone home. And from her reply "I tried to reply as quickly as possible. But that's ok.", I know she still doesn't have a clue what has gone wrong.
2011年2月22日 星期二
And now, the war forecast
Well I know this is all old knowledge, but the picture of this still gives me the creeps. These fucking bastards in the Pentagon look at a computer software and say, "Look, just 6000 casualties, that's not much, let's go to war!"
And the Dupuy Institute says it is a non-profit organization. Man, non-profit organizations are supposed to be doing good for society, no? Or should I say, that's nice of you to be charging only $93,000 for the software so that even poor countries could afford to decide whether to go to war?
And why on earth would anybody think an MBA student is able to comment on a WAR FORECAST MODEL just based on a news article talking about it?
And the Dupuy Institute says it is a non-profit organization. Man, non-profit organizations are supposed to be doing good for society, no? Or should I say, that's nice of you to be charging only $93,000 for the software so that even poor countries could afford to decide whether to go to war?
And why on earth would anybody think an MBA student is able to comment on a WAR FORECAST MODEL just based on a news article talking about it?
2011年2月17日 星期四
Whoa, the human sustainability!
Impressive figures:
Pepsico UK manufactures 10 million packets of crisps each day. HOW IMPRESSIVE IS THAT?!
Pepsico UK puts 100% of its budget for carbonated soft drinks in zero calorie drinks. HOW IMPRESSIVE IS THAT?!
Well...I don't know, really. What Mr. Georgy kindly wiki-ed immediately was that the population of United Kingdom is 60 million, meaning that probably one-sixth of the population is consuming a packet of crisps PER DAY?!
'Tis barking mad.
Funny how I did actually dream of Paris a few weeks before the news I got yesterday.
I loved that dream.
Because you were there :)
Pepsico UK manufactures 10 million packets of crisps each day. HOW IMPRESSIVE IS THAT?!
Pepsico UK puts 100% of its budget for carbonated soft drinks in zero calorie drinks. HOW IMPRESSIVE IS THAT?!
Well...I don't know, really. What Mr. Georgy kindly wiki-ed immediately was that the population of United Kingdom is 60 million, meaning that probably one-sixth of the population is consuming a packet of crisps PER DAY?!
'Tis barking mad.
Funny how I did actually dream of Paris a few weeks before the news I got yesterday.
I loved that dream.
Because you were there :)
2011年2月9日 星期三
Tidying up
由於小弟不見了散紙包兼o吾想 touchwood 死o左o係房都訓得o吾舒服,決定執房,至少令部份桌面可以見光。
由於小弟不見了散紙包兼o吾想 touchwood 死o左o係房都訓得o吾舒服,決定執房,至少令部份桌面可以見光。
2011年2月8日 星期二
2011年2月5日 星期六
2011年2月4日 星期五
2011年2月1日 星期二
Here's your formula for calculating compensation
Last year ranking: 42
This year ranking: 58
Fall in ranking: 16
% in fall: 38%
Your formula for calculating the compensation for customer dissatisfaction will be as follows:
[Tuition fee + Accommodation fee + (last salary x 12) + estimated bonus + estimated extra living expenses] x 38%
1. Left out the currency adjustment deliberately because HKD has been falling against the GBP.
2. You may take time value into account if your amount is big enough for you to bother.
3. "Estimated extra living expenses" means the excess amount incurred as a result of living in UK rather than your own country. This assumes that the UK has the highest relative price of goods in the entire world. However if you happen to come from a country with a higher price of goods than UK, you may ignore this factor.
4. The above formula is a guideline only. There is room for more creative adjustment, e.g. cost for extra warm clothes if you came from a tropical environment, cost for being sick extra long because the GPs on campus don't give the right medicine but just tells you to sleep, cost for extra frustration at fake train schedules on the uk national rail website etc...
Hahahahahahahaha just kidding. I still love my programme. And my lovely cohorts!
P.S. I'm sure I could contribute to the "salary increase" meter the coming year. Cuz my original package was too low *wink*
This year ranking: 58
Fall in ranking: 16
% in fall: 38%
Your formula for calculating the compensation for customer dissatisfaction will be as follows:
[Tuition fee + Accommodation fee + (last salary x 12) + estimated bonus + estimated extra living expenses] x 38%
1. Left out the currency adjustment deliberately because HKD has been falling against the GBP.
2. You may take time value into account if your amount is big enough for you to bother.
3. "Estimated extra living expenses" means the excess amount incurred as a result of living in UK rather than your own country. This assumes that the UK has the highest relative price of goods in the entire world. However if you happen to come from a country with a higher price of goods than UK, you may ignore this factor.
4. The above formula is a guideline only. There is room for more creative adjustment, e.g. cost for extra warm clothes if you came from a tropical environment, cost for being sick extra long because the GPs on campus don't give the right medicine but just tells you to sleep, cost for extra frustration at fake train schedules on the uk national rail website etc...
Hahahahahahahaha just kidding. I still love my programme. And my lovely cohorts!
P.S. I'm sure I could contribute to the "salary increase" meter the coming year. Cuz my original package was too low *wink*
2011年1月31日 星期一
Harry Potter and the Lost Train
This is a magical place indeed.
1. Ms. Anna has a meeting the next day so we decided to take a late night train home. She checked twice on the UK National Rail website, there is a train from London Euston to Coventry is 22:50.
2. It was 22:30. We rushed our way out of International Hall and RAN to London Euston. Very quickly Ms. Anna purchased her tickets through the ticket machine. It was 22:47. I rushed to see which platform our train is on. There is no sign of any train to Coventry.
3. We probably missed the train. We approached the information counter to ask when is the next train.
4. Guy from the information counter said, "No more train. The last train was gone at nine something." "What? But the website says there is a train at eleven something!"
5. Guy from the information counter said, as a matter-of-factly, "It's wrong." "What's wrong? The website?" "Yea. It's wrong. This is England. You have to check and double check." As if anything would change if I checked it three times?
6. "Then can I get a refund? If there's no train how come the machine would sell me a ticket that's valid only for today?" "You come here tomorrow morning and get a refund at platform 10. They are closed now."
7. Truly honoured to experience this great moment. Is there anything to trust on this land? Not even the website? Had no choice but to stay overnight at our friend's place.
8. Next morning we arrived at Platform 10 for the refund. Lady, "Why didn't you come here for a refund yesterday?" "The guy upstairs said you're closed by then." "What guy?" "Information counter." "What time?" "Around 22:50, probably?" "We are not closed at that time. Why didn't you come here for a refund?" "The guy told us you were closed!" "No we cannot give you a refund for a ticket of yesterday."
Well well.
1. Ms. Anna has a meeting the next day so we decided to take a late night train home. She checked twice on the UK National Rail website, there is a train from London Euston to Coventry is 22:50.
2. It was 22:30. We rushed our way out of International Hall and RAN to London Euston. Very quickly Ms. Anna purchased her tickets through the ticket machine. It was 22:47. I rushed to see which platform our train is on. There is no sign of any train to Coventry.
3. We probably missed the train. We approached the information counter to ask when is the next train.
4. Guy from the information counter said, "No more train. The last train was gone at nine something." "What? But the website says there is a train at eleven something!"
5. Guy from the information counter said, as a matter-of-factly, "It's wrong." "What's wrong? The website?" "Yea. It's wrong. This is England. You have to check and double check." As if anything would change if I checked it three times?
6. "Then can I get a refund? If there's no train how come the machine would sell me a ticket that's valid only for today?" "You come here tomorrow morning and get a refund at platform 10. They are closed now."
7. Truly honoured to experience this great moment. Is there anything to trust on this land? Not even the website? Had no choice but to stay overnight at our friend's place.
8. Next morning we arrived at Platform 10 for the refund. Lady, "Why didn't you come here for a refund yesterday?" "The guy upstairs said you're closed by then." "What guy?" "Information counter." "What time?" "Around 22:50, probably?" "We are not closed at that time. Why didn't you come here for a refund?" "The guy told us you were closed!" "No we cannot give you a refund for a ticket of yesterday."
Well well.
2011年1月29日 星期六
Results are out!
Well, to no one's surprise really, I gained ONE distinction in:
which basically tells me nothing but the fact that I will be a good number crunching monkey all my life.
Ah anyway. Passed everything. I'm happy =)
which basically tells me nothing but the fact that I will be a good number crunching monkey all my life.
Ah anyway. Passed everything. I'm happy =)
2011年1月28日 星期五
2011年1月24日 星期一
Was a pretty lousy day
Wanted to wake up early so I could go to Tesco to buy a knee support for my injured knee. Ended up waking up at 11:20 but I had to take off at 12 for a game in Birmingham at 12. Just wanted to grab some cereal for breakfast but my milk went bad before the expiry date so I had to throw the lot into the bin. Had to beg my still-sleeping friend for bananas but apparently wasn't enough to support a 90-minute game without substitutes. And OH the bloody muddy pitch! It slanted so we actually had to run uphill in a football game (unheard of isn't it?!) and the pitch was so muddy it looked like farmland just harvested yesterday. Felt like running in a swamp. And I sprained both ankles in the first half so apparently there's no reason for limping but honestly I couldn't really run. Turns out my right ankle is worse than my left and my right knee is feeling worse. Now finally, I think I should stay off sports for at least a week.
2011年1月22日 星期六
2011年1月21日 星期五
Run till my battery goes flat
So I fucked up my internship app
I'm totally unproductive
I'm staring at deadlines and not wanting to do anything
And even the microwave lasagne is lousy.
So I put on my tracksuit and run. Heronbank, Rootes, Cryfield, Heronbank, and again. And again.
And I just don't find any reason to stop.
我是牛 我是牛
I'm totally unproductive
I'm staring at deadlines and not wanting to do anything
And even the microwave lasagne is lousy.
So I put on my tracksuit and run. Heronbank, Rootes, Cryfield, Heronbank, and again. And again.
And I just don't find any reason to stop.
我是牛 我是牛
2011年1月19日 星期三
Mid-Jan recap
"Where have you been? All over the world?"
Hell yea, I have! And it's not gonna stop, I guarantee you that. Next stop: in search of the Northern Lights!
"Tengo hambie! Tengo MUCHO hambie!"
No idea what happened but I feel I like can swallow one dinosaur per day.
"Why did you choose corporate finance? You know the stuff! And it's on Friday morning! Ah but you will skip anyway."
Yes. My syndicate groupmate knows me well.
"Please answer me correctly: have you done anything about POM over the holidays?" "No." "Thank you, that is the correct answer."
Now the holiday is over, full steam, guys!
"You should keep a tally of the number of times you get crunched against the number of times you crunch people."
Well sad to say, the number of times I get crunched far outnumbers crunching people. In the last game I crunched somebody else's head with my own head (so in effect I'm crunching myself at the same time) and now I'm itching to break somebody's leg in the next to get even with that tally.
"You are probably the only player I've seen get hit in the stomach EACH week."
Glad I am not pregnant. Full stop.
"But you told me you were tired? You were running like a maniac!"
Well the good thing is, I think my fitness has improved to the point where I can survive running like a maniac in a full 90 minute game free from cramps. But I don't just wanna run. I was supposed to be there to KILL!
"Whose leg did I kill? Oh it's yours! You have another leg anyway. You'll be fine."
How can I NOT love my teammates?
"點解Duffy 個size會同 Mickey一樣呢?“ ”Because it's meant to be a MARY for Mickey while he's on his voyage."
Typical impure idea proposed by my dear SI MUI.
Indeed, I became so much happier when I know you're happy.
Hell yea, I have! And it's not gonna stop, I guarantee you that. Next stop: in search of the Northern Lights!
"Tengo hambie! Tengo MUCHO hambie!"
No idea what happened but I feel I like can swallow one dinosaur per day.
"Why did you choose corporate finance? You know the stuff! And it's on Friday morning! Ah but you will skip anyway."
Yes. My syndicate groupmate knows me well.
"Please answer me correctly: have you done anything about POM over the holidays?" "No." "Thank you, that is the correct answer."
Now the holiday is over, full steam, guys!
"You should keep a tally of the number of times you get crunched against the number of times you crunch people."
Well sad to say, the number of times I get crunched far outnumbers crunching people. In the last game I crunched somebody else's head with my own head (so in effect I'm crunching myself at the same time) and now I'm itching to break somebody's leg in the next to get even with that tally.
"You are probably the only player I've seen get hit in the stomach EACH week."
Glad I am not pregnant. Full stop.
"But you told me you were tired? You were running like a maniac!"
Well the good thing is, I think my fitness has improved to the point where I can survive running like a maniac in a full 90 minute game free from cramps. But I don't just wanna run. I was supposed to be there to KILL!
"Whose leg did I kill? Oh it's yours! You have another leg anyway. You'll be fine."
How can I NOT love my teammates?
"點解Duffy 個size會同 Mickey一樣呢?“ ”Because it's meant to be a MARY for Mickey while he's on his voyage."
Typical impure idea proposed by my dear SI MUI.
Indeed, I became so much happier when I know you're happy.
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