好久以前舊同事已向我推介Before Sunrise 及 Before Sunset 兩套一系列的電影. 前晚昨晚終於一口氣看完.
人物只有兩個, 不著邊際的談天說地, 談的戀愛只有一天, setting 在維也納 (Before Sunrise)及巴黎(Before Sunset), 浪漫得你丫.
Before Sunrise 講一個美國仔剛失戀, 在火車把了個法國妹, 叫她在他上飛機前陪他同遊維也納一天, 無所不談, 在公園打了個野戰後說再見. 沒有交換contact, 相約了半年後在維也納火車站再見.
Before Sunset 故事發生在Before Sunrise 的9年後. 法國妹爽約沒有到維也納找美國仔(當然啦,否則就沒戲了), 男女主角偶爾重逢, 在男主角上飛機前一起喝杯咖啡, 在巴黎行來行去, 無所不談, 男的上了女的家. 完.
個人比較喜歡Before Sunset, 原因有3:
當然, 沒有結識就沒有重逢. 但正如失敗乃成功之母, 你不會說你好喜歡失敗. 結識, 離別, 重逢, 還是覺得你最好, 才夠窩心. 又當然, 這只是我的設想. 重逢飲咖啡呢家野, 我還沒有試過.
又又當然, 中間是要跟其他人談戀愛的; 一直空白一片, 就不是”還是覺得你最好”了.
撞鬼, Before Sunset 裡兩個32歲的成年人說的話題, 比起Before Sunrise的23歲話題, 只有23歲仔的我竟然覺得更有共鳴. 說的東西太多無法summarize, 想看就問我借碟好了.
3.搞野, 還是有張decent 的床比較好.
See, I am old. I can say somebody is a Beast of England when I was young. I can make up songs to laugh at teachers and sing it in the staff room. I never gossip behind people’s backs because I do it right in front of them. But I can’t do that now. I just say nothing and nod my head like those cheap battery-run toys you can buy in Mongkok.
What I bloody wanted to say was,
“I gotta be really frank with you. Temper is the least of the problems. What the bloody problem is, is that you got somebody who is never there when shit happens. Who deals with all the shit when they come? It’s me, goddammit. I get a heart attack like once every 3 months and I am surprised I survived. And who creates the shit? And where is that somebody? Prolly in the fucking shower with some guy (hey I’m not getting personal, I heard that somebody say that on the phone). And you call that GOOD. Fuck you, dickhead.”
Yet I continue to nod my head. I wanted to cut my own head off. Bloody hell.