2010年9月23日 星期四

Brits and pieces (1)

我們一家分別在3個不同的蘇格蘭市鎮合共買了10條Edinburgh Woollen Mill 的 cashmere scarf. That's it.

好很貴。公路的service station 都是Burger King 和 Panini 店,平均都7,8鎊一餐。

在愛丁堡找不到Dimmy同學推介的Outsiders,胡亂走進了一個Pie shop,就食蕉了。母親大人不知如何點了Haggis Pie,來了才知道是內臟,所以推了給我。我也差點吐了。原來中國菜對我來講這麼重要。其後我們到的都是中國餐館,點的都是甜酸排骨,揚州炒飯和炒白菜,足見我們對英倫伙食的信心已經全然崩盤。

住B&B,永遠會遇見一些很想找人說話的老人家。他們說,留在湖區10天。10天?!另外一個說,留在Fort William 5天。5天?!留兩天都開始悶了,怎麼可能10天?!




4 則留言:

  1. Hehe~~after looking at your entry~~ I still wanna go to Scotland bor~~^____^hehe

  2. Actually i like scotland a lot. Wait till you see the pics. Just that I don't have a lot of time to mention the nice bits yet hahaha

  3. i guess coz outsiders doesnt have a big sign! but i am sure you must have passed it just its too low key so you didnt spot!! what a pity! the food theres so nice! the other day my friend and i were talking about if we could only eat at one place in edinburgh, we both picked OUTSIDERS! ahhh!!! gik sei ngo! how come u cant find ga!!!

  4. i walked along the entire George IV Bridge both sides la wor! really cannot see it bor!argh
